Tuesday, September 27, 2005

i guess i think too much..

i realise
i'm always a dumb boy
as usual i'm not very sensitive
it is hard for me to be the man, i always wanted to be
and nothing can be that perfect picture you see..
but well i will try my best again to remember and learn it..
just hope it is not the hard way again..


i'm always too straight, i always come to conclusion too fast..
i should learn to see things at a wider range, bigger picture, more angles..
maybe that is because i haven gain enough experience yet..
try to work on this more i guess..


i'm willing to put in whatever efforts i can to try my best if i have my aim for..
i believe that is my strong point cause i believe even i fail i done my best..
i again can see that i always try to put something ahead as an example to go further..
which then i follow the examples i set myself so i can see if i can achieve somthing like this or even better.. which i can see that i gain alot more once i mange that.. i'm happy with this i'm doing so far till i'm brave enough to step a few more steps ahead to try something different.


i need to decide on what to take up very soon again..
i'm again struggling to take something i know nuts about, or something that i also know nuts about but then more straight forward in the path ahead...
i always thought i'm a risk person, determine to prove people wrong.. but i myself is scare and worries over things that havent happen.. cause i know i'm still not cut enough to make such decision.. of course i know once i determine somethings and my motive for i will go all the way not making myself regret.. so i guess again i need to balance that..
i'm thankful i have all the support i need..
i guess i'm fortunate but always forget about it when i'm happy...

anthony work hard again k ..

Sunday, September 25, 2005

ailing 有你多好

有你多好 幸福再远 我愿意陪你冒险
世界再吵 在我耳边留着有你的声线
虽然你的爱不明显 我会放在我的心里面


只怕我生命太短 来不及陪你笑笑
怕在我手上 属于我们的天堂
避开所有别人眼光 自由飞翔

有你多好 幸福再远 我愿意陪你冒险
虽然你的爱不明显 其实我都察觉

有你多好 幸福再远 我愿意陪你冒险
我们最好能一起搂着 令爱不会消减
最后谁会先看不见 也要活在对方心里面

cut and paste


> > A man in this Zodiac will has a pair of round big> beautiful eyes, a nice> structure jaw line. He is a good listener and can> understand everything> easily and clearly. He can guess what you will say> before you even say it.> He often shakes his head or touch his hair. He is a> big built, but he will> tend to have a small ear. He tends to have a darker> shade of hair and eyes'> color. He will likely have a short and strong neck,> broad shoulder,> muscular, strong hands and grips. He has a shorter> fingers compare to the> man of the same size and same height in the other> zodiac. His hands can work> well at the same time can protect and care for his> woman.> > His height will be proportional to his weight. He> will walk firmly and> always take a big long step. As he walks he will> look around in caution with> no disturbance from his problems at present or in> the past. He likes to> watch things built with fascinate and wonder about> how it is done, so you> could see him watching a construction site and not> get bored.> > He is a good dancer. He is a careful person in> instinct, so even at dance> floor, he will already have to know what in front or> behind him before he> will take any steps.> > Green is his favorite color. You will mostly see him> wear green, navy, blue,> or brown. In all 12 Zodiacs, he is the one who can> get the most satisfaction> from possession of beautiful thing, and cherish it> as if it is very valuable> to him even it is just a crystal ball made in> France.> > It is his luck that he hardly has to chase after> woman. They always come> themselves without his invitati on. He likes to> treat his guest in his house> than visiting his guest at their house. He does not> like to be a center of> attention, so if you need his help, you have to look> up for him. He lives> his life in stability and simplicity. Every decision> made are already "Sure"> and carefully thought out. He will not do what he> has been asked to do if he> is not interested in doing it. He acts casually but> in reality, he always> doing things seriously.> > He loves peaceful and quiet environment so in his> free time, he will stay at> home instead of going out and look for adventure. He> loves nature and dreams> of a nice and quiet house with lots of trees, or he> may dream of a house in> a beautiful countryside.> > He will let you have freedoms and watching you in a> distance. If you are> over doing something, he will let you know by his> icy cold look. He is the> perfect lover in all the Zodiac for nothing he will> not do for his love one.> He won't allow people to laugh at him or think he is> a joker, so he will> spent for himself luxury for what it is worth.> > He likes neat and well dressed woman, so do not be a> slop if you are dating> this guy. If you do that he will loose his face. He> is the romantic type who> would dance with you under the moon light.> > Love will make him shines and you will see it in his> face. He will not say> it out loud, you have to know it yourself.>


> > A simple woman who always show what kind of a moods> she is in. You can tell> right way if she up set, or if she is flirting with> you. She displays> herself with her act much more than trying to say it> for it's in her> character.> > A Scorpio woman has her own mysterious personality.> She is confident and> deep down inside she is quite proud of herself. She> hates to think she i s> borne a woman and so limiting her with a certain> social acceptable rules.> She is a real woman and despite her innocent and> childish looks, she has a> spirit of free soul. Many men will make mistake if> they think she is a good> follower, they are wrong.> > She thinks being a plain simple housewife is boring.> She likes to have power> and control over other people, but this will be only> her secret, so you will> only see a cute woman. Every things she does will> look good, and she has all> the woman's trick you can think of. She can> manipulate men without they> knowing it.> > If you think she going to do everything you say> because she loves you, then> you will be disappointed. She could be a little> tomboyish and she can> understand you by just looking in your eyes. You may> say sweet words which> could sweep any woman, but not with the Scorpio> woman. She will use her> X-ray eyes reading your thought of what you just> said or what you ar e going> to say. She always smile and she can really hide her> feeling.> > She will constantly show you that she loves freedom.> If she has freedom, she> will not leave you, but will even love you more. If> she wants something, she> will do everything to get it. She has her own sixth> sense of people and you> can feel that energy feed back when you around her.> She likes a man who can> earn her respect, and she will also respect and feel> proud of that man. A> man with power over her should not threat or> challenge her confident. She> likes to have a good looking , strong and healthy> man especially if she> start to compare with her friends' boyfriends. It is> a plus if he hold a> degree or a good career.> > She is a hot lady. She likes heavy music. She either> loves or hates, there> are no "fond of", or "like" for her. Love has no> "may be", or "perhaps". If> she is real mad, she will trash and throw things.> Her wind storm can sweep> all her dishes and you could get accidentally hit on> your head for this> matter. Be calm, it is just your grand mother> favorite china for she has> good quality as much as her bad tempered.> > Sometimes she shows her weakness, but it won't be> long. She will put herself> together and back to be that hot chili again. If she> loves you, it will be> no matter what other people may say. Her> relationship will be more important> than what is right or wrong. Because of this reason,> you may know some> Scorpio woman become a second wife, a mistress.> > She is spoil, but she allows her love one to over> power her. Dating this> woman, you should not keep old love letters in your> pocket or in your house.> It could be a love letter 2 years ago, but never> mind she will argue about> this since this is a big deal for a suspicious> woman. Remember she has a> temper of the shrew.> > If you play a cold war with her, she will treat you> likewise and double it.> If you stood her up once, she will stood you up 2-3> times. She is quite fair> in justice, so she can accept your apologies as much> as she can pretend to> accept things for now and wait for a pay back> revenge in the future. If you> are nice to hear, she will double that to you as> well. A real fair woman.> > She likes to make and spent money. She likes to have> fame and reputations,> and never let herself broke and have no name at the> same time. She is too> proud and will not accept status of being "Poor".> She loves to have face, so> if you are a manager with small salary, she will be> proud more than more> money being a truck driver. She hates to think and> she can not stand a> feeling of being a "Nobody".> > If you like her, play a little hard to get. This> will excite her a bit. When> you go out on a date, set your schedule, but do not> let she knows that you> have planned this for weeks. Always go to pick her> up on time or better to> go 5-10 minutes early.

The CapricornSymbol : The Sea GoatRuling House : Tenth House Ruling Planet : Saturn Gem Stone : Blue Sapphire Element : Earth Most Compatible with : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Can Be Good with : Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces 50-50 Chance with : Aries, Sagittarius, Leo Doubtful with : Gemini, Aquarius, Libra Personality : Capricorns are diligent, conscientious, hardworking and cautious, seldom allowing themselves any sort of permissiveness; this makes them among the most reliable people to work with. You endure hardship well and can be very tolerant, slogging your way up life's steepest climbs and climb you must. You are highly ambitious and will work your way up with patience and hard work - exactly like the mountain goat that represents your Zodiac sign. You have an admirable sense of discipline and a good head for managing finances. Most of you are self-contained and tend to carve your own way. Those who know you well will admire you for your sense of duty, your selflessness in service and your devotion. Although not exactly the centre of attraction at parties, you have a sense of humour that many find attractive. You are sure-footed and most of your productivity is the result of the confidence you bring to your work. You tend to spend far too much energy in being the achiever. You also tend to be moody and fairly self-destructive.Love Life : Your ardent and incurabe romantic yearning for true love, which is checked by Saturn -- the stern planet of discipline. It commands you to be calm, practical and serious. To top it all your practicality and sensibility ensure that you snag the right partner in marriage who can be a good parent and do you proud. Those belonging to the zodiac signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Virgo will make good partners for Capricorns. Nevertheless, love for a stable home and loyalty towards the spouse are your primary concerns. Man or woman, Capricorns love their home, but they are reverent about family ties -- be these their own or the ones created with the partner. If you marry a Capri then be prepared to love your in-laws, no matter what. They seldom marry in haste and abhor divorce, but when it happens it is final.They are pretty good and strict parents always concerned with the best for their children's future.Professional Life: Capricorns make good business people. Shrewd and hardworking, it is unlikely that you will take any rash decisions. You are ambitious and even if you do not have a career of your own, you will make sure your spouse climbs the ladder. You are not up to too much competition and will work at your own pace and deliver the best you can. Capricorns will do well in the fields of academics, industry and even agriculture. Dealing with antiques is also a good profession for you. Money rarely comes to you as an unexpected windfall. It will come through hard work and it will come in a bit late. You should, however, settle down comfortably by the time you are in your early forties.Travelling : You love high places and blossom on mountains. Though you would love to go on a luxurious and comfortable holiday but you are equally frugal about spending money even on a holiday..and keep your expenses in check. Even on holiday you keep yourself disciplined and active; no overindulgence for you. You enjoy historical places and the romance surrounding them.Well Being : Capricorns are diligent, conscientious, hardworking and cautious, seldom allowing themselves any sort of permissiveness, making them among the most reliable people to work with. You endure hardship well and can be very tolerant, slogging your way up life's steepest of climbs and climb you must. You are highly ambitious and will work your way up through patience and hard work - exactly like the mountain goat that represents your Zodiac sign. You have an admirable sense of discipline and a good head for managing finances. Most of you are self-contained and tend to carve your own way. Those who know you well will admire you for your sense of duty, your selflessness in service and your devotion. Although not exactly the centre of attraction at parties, you have a sense of humour that many find attractive. You are sure-footed and most of your productivity is the result of the confidence you bring to your work. You tend to spend far too much energy towards achieving in your work field. You also tend to be moody and fairly self-destructive. Luck : It is the darker colours, the colours of night, that bring you luck. Black, brown, blue and grey will be good colours to wear, while in gemstones you should choose sapphire, amethyst, garnet and black onyx. Numbers 1, 4 and 8 and those that add up to these prove lucky for Capricorns. Saturday is your lucky day. Saturn is your ruler and your element is earth.Kids : The Capricorn kid starts behaving like an adult from a very early age. An entrepreneur from the beginning, this child has ambitious plans to touch the sky someday and what is more surprising, it is all chalked out in great detail! Being a cautious player, of course he or she is not going to attempt something that could possibly fail.An excellent sense of responsibility enables this kid to have a way with peers. There lurks a perfectionist in every Capricorn child, who's ready to walk that extra mile.Teens : This young lady is both studious and diligent; she doesn't see much beyond work. She will figure at the top of her class, and that's just the first step for someone as ambitious as her. She is generally friendly, a trait which helps her to achieve her goals, but she'll need a lot of external support to prevent her from taking life too seriously. Conservative by nature, the Capricorn lass is realistic. Her cautious approach to life does not allow her to be a daredevil. Her exceptional organisational skills help her to tide over most crises and attain her goals.The Capricorn lad will rarely find any leisure since he will be busy chalking out future plans. Serious by nature, he has no time for flippant socialising and has his mind on more important matters. Of course he doesn't want to be rude, but his passion for getting things done often makes him a little bossy. In his leisure time the Capricorn boy loves to indulge in competition, especially in sports, and he finds it very difficult to cope with defeat. For that he needs the support of his compatriots. One-to-one competition also appeals to him. Practical and reliable, he can be trusted with any new responsibility. At the end of the day, a Capricorn boy likes to be surrounded by the spoils of his success. He has been striving for it all through the day. Someday his toils will pay off and he will rule the world

The ScorpioSymbol : The ScorpionRuling House : Eighth House Ruling Planet : Mars/Pluto Gem Stone : Red Coral Element : Water Most Compatible with : Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer Can Be Good with : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 50-50 Chance with : Aquarius, Libra, Gemini Doubtful with : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Personality : Intense, dominating, and energetic -- your hypnotic stare and your vital force overwhelm those around you. You are passionate and committed to your friends and ruthless with your enemies. Upon the battlefield of life, you are the one who leads, storming the gates of the fortress. Scorpios have a keen intellect and admirable qualities of patience and creativity. You are definitely not the gregarious, social kind, always ready to please people. You are genuine and most of the times, above petty gains. However, you are certainly not above conspiracy and manipulation. Like the scorpion with the sting in its tail, people had better watch out before they rub you the wrong way. Quite a few of you will devote considerable time and energies to develop strategies and plot revenge against your enemies. You are a determined lot. Set to achieve, there are very few challenges that you will not meet.Actually, all activity must hold a sense of purpose for you. You have an inner strength and a great capacity to endure hardships. There is in fact a streak of masochism in you that enables you to destroy something you have nurtured with great care and love. You can easily change course if it suits you better. Nevertheless, you are dynamic, fascinating and often mysterious - a combination that draws many towards youLove Life : You are among the best lovers, instinctively knowing what your partner wants. You are intense and passionate and none of your lovers will ever forget you. You will sweep many off with your magnetic charm. You will rarely distinguish between a passing fancy and true love. For you, it will always be a passionate involvement. Scorpios can also be very jealous and will go to any lengths to claim what they feel is rightly theirs. You will find your ideal life partner in fellow water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. It is the water signs that understand you best. You may have disagreements with your family, as you feel they cannot understand you or the intensity of your passion. Though you are a good parent, you can turn wrathful without warning. This often makes your relationship with your children rather uneasy. The Scorpio house will be comfortable and classy, but not overtly flamboyant as you do have an eye for detail and will prefer the minimalist style.Professional Life: You are ideally suited for the sciences and will do extremely well as physicians and surgeons.Architecture and mechanics are also some areas where you will excel. Whether in industry or the military, you will make excellent commanders. Some of you will be interested in fine arts, literature, and journalism -- fields in which you will do quite well. You need not travel long distances to seek fortune and success. In fact, travelling sometimes has quite the opposite effect on you. You will have a good head for business and will be able to plan your investments shrewdly. You normally look towards making big money, but must have patience, lest you adopt less than honourable means to reach your goals.Travelling : You love to holiday in those exotic places that normally others don't go to. Visiting Pyramids in Egypt to the Great Wall of China would always appeal to you. You can withstand any climatic conditions. Package and guided tours are not your idea of holiday. You like to be different in the places you visit and your approach to holidaying.Well Being : Scorpios are perhaps the most mysterious and difficult to understand of all the signs of the zodiac.T hey often seem to have a love-hate relationship with food. Some of you could be overweight while others among you could be anorexic. The Scorpio tendency to brood and keep worries and troubles inside could result in digestive problems. As a cure, some of you will over eat, while others won't eat at all. Many Scorpios also suffer from insomnia and sleep-related disorders. Try not to brood over the day's problems. Swimming is a good form of exercise as well as relaxation for you. You have an attractive, tidy appearance and a fine skin texture. You tend to put on weight, as you grow older.You are prone to catching infections faster than most others and often suffer from fevers. The throat, pelvis, groin and bladder are particularly vulnerable in the case of Scorpio's. Take extra precaution against contagious diseases. Luck : Black, blood red, burgundy, wine, and maroon are good colours for the scorpion.Bloodstone is your lucky stone, whereas nine and other numbers that add up to it are lucky numbers. Tuesday and Thursday are good days. Mars and Pluto rule you and your element is waterKids : The Scorpio child is penetrating and passionate, and quite mysterious -- reasons that often lead to disagreements with other kids. What might appear to be an unsophisticated probing nature is nothing but the crass honesty of this child. It is very difficult to dissuade the Scorpio kid who has already decided on something. These ventures are often ingenious, yielding interesting results. Don't be surprised if you find a streak of jealousy in this kid.Teens : A Scorpio girl is secretive, mysterious and enigmatic. She is a very focussed person, and once she makes up her mind, there is no stopping her. She is very passionate, and occasionally quite manipulative. As she is given to frequent mood swings, she can be a handful at times. She is a very sensitive person who relies on her intuition to explore the world around her. She enjoys sports, which satisfies her competitive urge. Stubborn and strong-willed, she doesn't believe in half-measures. She is erratic and unpredictable, yet on some days she can be amiable company and on others she jealously guards her privacy. This also applies to her appearance, as at times she won't step out of the house without being well dressed and at other times, she won't bother to comb her hair. School life is unpredictable, and even if she is not a model student, she can achieve her goals by the dint of sheer determination and perseverance.He is a mysterious and secretive person who never reveals what he is thinking. He possesses an almost mystical and magnetic quality but can also be quite ruthless and dangerous.He usually has a penetrative insight and needs to know people to the core. He enjoys sports, but mostly for the competition it offers. Being a water sign, he is unpredictable and occasionally undergoes mood swings. He is a very passionate and intense person who cannot tolerate things not going his way. He enjoys challenging hobbies. He usually has his own agenda and expectations from life and he goes about fulfilling them with a single-minded passion. He is confident and resourceful, with people flocking to him, but mind you, the sting of a Scorpio can be really dangerous.

Capricorn in Love

December 22-January 19There is a rumor that Capricorns are the best lovers of the zodiac when they feel stable and secure and can see the long term purpose of the union they are in. The focused determination of Saturn as a guiding light brings the same unequaled force into the bedroom and into the relationship as they apply to building their life and their security. Capricorn is slow to trust and even slower to love but once their heart is given there is very little they won't do to back up and support and love their mate. The symbolism of Capricorn is the Seagoat...a useful metaphor is the ability to penetrate both environments on earth....water and land. Spiritually...they can conquer both the spirit and the body. Love is nothing less than a goal and they are capable of approaching it with the same dedication as they approach any other important endeavor in their life. They are loyal, nurturing caregivers and supporters at their best. Cold, calculating and emotionally repressed at their worst. The realm of feelings is the h Capricorn Sexuality: When they are secure within themselves and within a partnership they can take their lover to the peaks of sexual mountaintops. They know how to apply patience and dedication to discovering how to please and their leisurely approach to getting to know a mates intimate secrets promises that they possess an almost push button control of their partners sexual desires. It is not the pure and raw driving sexuality of Scorpio...nor the romantic and enchanting passion of Libra...it is a combination of the human physical need for sex and the spirits need to experience the height of a pleasure and to merge it into one. A soul moving encounter that brings the primal...into the spiritual.The long term story: Capricorns require patience and dedication. They are often shy and awkward in their emotions early on growing in strength and acceptance the longer they stay within a union. They need to have a purpose behind their actions and a purpose behind the relationship. They take the initial investment of heart to the building of a long term commitment with the same serious intent that they conquer all their mountains in life. They can be domineering and cold if they are not in touch with their feeling centers. Materialistic and self serving as well. Once committed most Capricorns stay committed as they are bound to a sense of responsibility. It takes a lot to sever a serious Capricorn tie but once it is severed...they can be vengeful and hateful. They are not always the best judge of character and so let downs and relationship break ups become personal mistakes that they often repress and refuse to accept. They provide one of the most secure and empowering bonds when they are complet Positive Traits in Love: Loyal, dedicated, patient, kind, generous, supportive, serious, dependable, tolerant, attentive.Negative traits: Possessiveness, control, coldness and aloofness, lack of emotional tolerance or depth, materialistic, narrow minded, vindictive, bitter, melancholy.What Capricorn likes:Loyalty, Feeling secure, Financial/material stability, Ambitious mates, Feeling committed, Making long term relationship plansDependability, Reliability, PerseveranceWhat Capricorn Dislikes:Flightiness, Being bossed around, Crudeness/coarseness, Dominance, Game playing, Ego displays, ExtravaganceBeing challenged by a lover, Indecisiveness Capricorn Love Keywords:Loyal, ambitious, dedicated, focused, honesty, disciplined, severe, possessive, controlling, cold, calculating

Scorpio in Love

October 23-November 21Scorpio is the fixed-water sign indicating still waters that run very, very deep. There is an intense and smoldering sexuality and sensuality within every Scorpio as there's is the sign that rules lust and sex. There are three very different types of Scorpio from the scorpion, to the eagle to either the phoenix or the dove (depending on which symbolism one prefers). Yet each will have a profound depth and attraction to love and what accompanies love in their life. They are passionate when they invest their feelings and life is never boring with a Scorpio lover. They thrive when they feel secure and stable within a relationship and enjoy the physical gifts of being in love as much as the emotional ones. They are mysterious...always....and you'll never know what is on your Scorpio Lovers mind....except when it is being expressed through their passion. They are watchful, quiet and dedicated mates who can be as protective of the ones they love as they are of their own vulnerable emotions and feelings. They t Scorpio Sexuality: Scorpio is the sign that rules sexuality and the powers of lust. But their passion is only as deep and profound as it is because it is connected with the ultimate gift of sex.....life. And these are the beings unafraid to face either life or death and that fearlessness translates into their sexual expressions. They can reach the highest highs or the lowest lows in whatever passion they pursue and they are the most intense, uninhibited and dynamic lovers in the zodiac. It comes with deep attachment and needs and a driving urge to come to terms with the enormity of life. The long term story: Scorpios require a solid security within a relationship without feeling that they have a doormat as a mate. This is precarious balance and is learned over time. The longer a relationship lasts with a Scorpio...the more secure it tends to become. They are naturally suspicious (remember they feel and see things the rest of us work to ignore) and with that depth comes the need for some equally powerful self protective mechanisms. Their insecurity and jealousy are by products of self preservation. Scorpios like to be in control and are very seldom found in subservient roles unless they've opted to move into that spot. They need passionate mates who can keep up with their desires and they need someone capable of both maintaining a loyalty and their own sense of individuality in order to keep the relationship balanced. They are basically homebodies feeling most comfortable when they are within their own domains. They despise being surprised, embarrassed or humiliated and retaliate Positive Traits in Love: Loyal, supportive, protective, generous with their strength and knowledge, humble, quiet, unshakable, passionate, encompassing.Negative traits: Jealousy, possessiveness, obsessive, angry, suspicious, mistrusting, secretive and unreliable.What Scorpio likes:Mystery, Secrets, Privacy, Trust/loyalty, Sensuality/passion, Strength, Knowing where they stand, Being acknowledged Honesty/integrityWhat Scorpio Dislikes:Surprises, Lying and deceit, Apathy, Being analyzed/questioned, Being 'understood', Excessive compliments, InsincerityBeing embarrassed, Passivity Scorpio Love Keywords:Intense, compelling, magnetic, sexual, sensual, intriguing, profound, loyal, tenacious, possessive, jealous, obsessive, bad tempered, secretive.

Monday, September 12, 2005

deep within

deep within..
i'm happy..
cause i have you with me..
it is so hard for me to discribe..
i used to think that i can pen down things i have in mind..
after having you.. i kept losing of words..
cause words at times is meaningless if u are not around me..
it is certianly more than words i want you to feel..
many times i ask myself..
what on earth i deserve.. having you..
somehow this is the kindness gift i ever get..
i have u to share..
every moment i wish that time will stop..
and take you to somewhere there ain't anyone else..
just you and me
even if u are not around..
i still having you in here..
my heart which i can feel..
every time i close my eyes..
every breathe i took..
i have your image in my mind..
having you in my arms..
having you here with me..
i realises i'm in love..
just simply in love with you..
i love you ailing..
