Wednesday, December 27, 2006

i just a song sung to me by you....

coming to the year end again...
time flies...
have the feeling that i'm draggin each and everyday again..
my birthday coming soon too..
haiz just have no feeling to celebrate my birthday nor want to celebrate it..
so dear friends dont ask me how i want to celebrate my birthday..
07 will be a year i will pass it without celebrating...
maybe i really dont like 07...

no need to get me anything too.. i dont seem to need anything..

however i want to feel music again...
feel like i lost music sense..
it is not right..
it is like losing a best friend... difting apart from me...

Saturday, December 23, 2006

1 litre of tears

i wonder anyone have watch this serial. 1 litre of tears..

i tell you it is super touching .. my tears flow down at least 5 times over the 11 esp..

i will say it is super touch.. and it is a truth life account back dated

i will recommend to people to watch after that you may treasure life more..

sometimes somthings are so hard to control but we shouldnt be drag down by it..

there is always more meaningful things to do...

was rushing my project very busy tired also..

like really no time but thanks to my pals and classmates we manage to pull through with everyone effort..

thanks to my programmer project mate who put in 101% in the project work..

without my group i think it is really hard to get through it..

i must also thanks my dear for the support..

been neglected her since project started and lucky she is understanding to bear with me..

love her..

Monday, December 11, 2006

after reading my gf's blog

i feel so bad that i cant accompany her right after exam all because of my software engineering project.. but i cant do much cause it is a group project and everyone of us is putting effort...
and i think i'm very lousy simple programing language java i also cant understand fast enough..
i have to handle the web designing part but feel like i'm not there methods using is like haiz..
i look for more advance methods but i dont know how to use it even thought i'm just scripting simple java server page..

i shouldt be bloggin at this hour but i'm so stress up... and how i wish i can spend more time with dear....
dear i'm so sorry when u are free and i cant be there to company you ...
i wish so much but i'm so tired sometimes..
really hate myself