from eva's blog
Chinese AstrologyMERRY MONKEY
Monkey people are intelligent, obstinate, and quick-tempered, easily frustrated, these are active agile and busy people. They seem to be able to talk themselves out of all difficult situations with ease. Men will try to manipulate because of job motivations, whilst women often manipulate for more emotional or personal reasons.The monkey people are fun and loving persons who are always cheerful and energetic. They are very clever. Give a monkey a boring book to read and he will turn it into a Musical. Better yet, he will invite everyone to see it free! That is how talented, creative and generous monkeys usually are.You can never win a war of words with a monkey: he is too clever for that. However, you can win him round by treating him to a meal with a few drinks thrown in. the monkey likes to over indulge and he loves flattery.If you go to a party, you will find Monkeys at the center of attention. Their charm and humor is the key to their popularity. Sociable and diplomatic as they may appear, they can be deceptive sometimes - they hide their opinions of others beneath their friendliness. However, they do not hide their emotion. You can probably tell how a monkey is feeling from miles away - he wants everyone to know how happy or depressed he is.The monkey often has little time for the opinions of the others. Their own opinions change with the wind, whilst their optimism remains constant. Any job, which demands versatility and offers constant stimulation, will interest the monkey. They often like traveling, or needing to change jobs or move house on a regular basis.Monkey people are very good at problem solving. Wherever you are, whoever you may be, if you have a problem pick up the phone and dial-a-Monkey. Monkeys know how to listen closely and work out solutions at the same time. And because Monkeys' curiosity, they usually have a great thirst for knowledge. Still they have few scruples - they could be unreasonable sometimes, and they have the ability to persuade themselves and everyone around them to believe that they are doing the right things. Some say monkeys are self-centered, some say they are opportunistic, some say they are guileful, but monkeys couldn't care less - because they are also indifferent. The monkey has a good chance of becoming famous or well known. Whatever he does, his charm and luck will make him successful. As friends, Monkeys are both loyal, devoted, as lovers, they can be passionate, and yet flighty - they can fall easily in love but will get tired of the relationship and look for another.
Lucky Numbers
3,4,5,7,16,23,34,45 and 54
Famous Monkeys
Michael Caine, Johhny Cash, Bjorn Borg, ian Fleming, Charles Dickens, Bob Marley, Peter O' Toole, Rod Stewart, Diana Ross, Mick Jagger, Elizabeth Taylor.
Compatibility(1 -at least compatible, 100 - most compatible)
91 - One of the best combinations.
72 - Nice. They are compatible and stable.
80 - These two make eager loves.
71 - Amusing.
81 - Despite the differences, they'll do just fine.
55 - Perhaps, it depends on the monkey.
30 - Not advised.
63 - Oh well, why not?
82 - Great companions and total complicity.
70 - Probably, who knows
66 - With reservation. The dog might suffer..
83 - This could work. They admire each other.
The people born under the influence of metal element pursue their goals with a confidence and determination that usually sets them apart from the other common individuals. They are unflinching in their efforts to achieve their objectives and are least bothered by any setbacks, failures or hardships. People ruled by the Metal element are unreasonable, inflexible and stubborn at times. They are self-reliant and solve their own and others problems easily. They hate any type of interference in their life. People under this element have certain electricity about them. They have strong impulses, which will be felt by the people around them. They also have the necessary inner strength and energy levels to achieve the changes they wish to have in their lives. Their strong inborn monetary instincts will suitably support their liking for luxury and power.