Monday, October 24, 2005

circus the magical within

have you ever wonder..
whats within the cirus..

while watching Cirque du Soleil on art central let me ponder..
these people are skilled entertianers.. they are performing to to bring performaces
around the world, the skills by these people are trained till they are able to deliever what i call a perfect show.. once the show has ended in an country will will move on to another country to deliever it to more people who been entertianed by it again..
once they finish to world tours.
they will start all over again with new shows and bloods..
this may just keep on going on and on.. till the day when people will not want to be entertianed anymore...

let just see the 3 little girls from china which i believe many of the kids in singapore, are still carrying thier bags to schools following the education system..
while for them i believe they are trained since young or should i say from young thier life started with touring with this performace groups to move around the world.. so is that thier life?

i really ponders..
if i have such amazing skills.. where will i be?


At 8:37 AM, Blogger esotericExistent said...

"Que sara, sara" :)


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